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OG card

How the docs platform generate Open Graph card images

The edge function

The URL can be queried with 4 search parameters:

  • product: the text element displayed next to the MUI logo
  • title: the title which can contains \* to delimit the highlighted (in blue) text sections
  • description: a paragraph added under the main title
  • authors: the GitHub username of the authors. It should be divided by a coma.

Usage with Markdown

By default, the card is generated using the page title and description. You can override this behavior by providing different/specific cardTitle and cardDescription in the Markdown header, like so:

cardTitle: A *different* title than the page title
cardDecription: The word "different" on the title is highlighted

Card design preview

Visit this StackBlitz demo to see how the card looks like without having to run a random page on an OG preview site.