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Data Grid - Virtualization

The grid is high performing thanks to its rows and columns virtualization engine.

DOM virtualization is the feature that allows the Data Grid to handle an unlimited* number of rows and columns. This is a built-in feature of the rendering engine and greatly improves rendering performance.

*unlimited: Browsers set a limit on the number of pixels a scroll container can host: 17.5 million pixels on Firefox, 33.5 million pixels on Chrome, Edge, and Safari. A reproduction.

Row virtualization

Row virtualization is the insertion and removal of rows as the Data Grid scrolls vertically.

The grid renders some additional rows above and below the visible rows. You can use rowBufferPx prop to hint to the Data Grid the area to render, but this value may not be respected in certain situations, for example during high-speed scrolling. Row virtualization is limited to 100 rows in the Data Grid component.

Column virtualization

Column virtualization is the insertion and removal of columns as the Data Grid scrolls horizontally.

  • Overscanning by at least one column allows the arrow key to focus on the next (not yet visible) item.
  • Overscanning slightly can reduce or prevent a flash of empty space when a user first starts scrolling.
  • Overscanning more allows the built-in search feature of the browser to find more matching cells.
  • Overscanning too much can negatively impact performance.

By default, columns coming under 150 pixels region are rendered outside of the viewport. You can change this option with the columnBufferPx prop. As for rowBufferPx, the value may be ignored in some situations. The following demo renders 1,000 columns in total:

Press Enter to start editing

You can disable column virtualization by calling apiRef.current.unstable_setColumnVirtualization(false), or by setting the column buffer to the number of total columns.

Disable virtualization

The virtualization can be disabled completely using the disableVirtualization prop. You may want to turn it off to be able to test the Data Grid with a headless browser, like jsdom.

<DataGrid {} disableVirtualization />